Lodge Officers and Chairmen
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Ritual Team
Lake Management

History of Rock Hill Elks
There is an ongoing effort to place images and details about the history of the Rock Hill Elks Lodge #1318 and the counties of York, Lancaster, and Chester.
The history of Rock Hill dates back to 1852, and the founders of this city have family ties from soldiers who fought for the Patriots in the Revolutionary War to a signer of the Declaration of Independence and one of the individuals who wrote the final draft of the U. S. Constitution. The History of York, Lancaster, and Chester Counties are rich with influence from early settlers, the Catawba Indians, the Revolutionary War and the Catawba River.
The History of Rock Hill Lodge #1318 dates back to 1915 and physically has been located in several facilities. The present locations include a facility on Main Street, and the property on Lake Wylie, in existence since the 1960's.
Until the text of these histories can be researched and validated the images archived from two Photo Albums of the Rock Hill Elks Lodge from the 1940's through the 1960's have become available on these pages. Please feel free to browse them, but be aware that they are in no specific order other than the images numbered 001 - 054 are numbered in order of the from one photo album, while the images numbered A001 - A042 come in order from another. While the information for these pages is compiled, any additional information that may help these pages grow would be greatly appreciated.​